“I do – until death do us part.”
Sometimes, it seems like you took those vows only seconds ago, but you two have been married for almost 40 years.
Together, you raised your family side by side – and worked hard to save money for your retirement. You stuck together through thick and thin.
You shared everything – enduring life’s challenges and relishing its triumphs.
But things have begun to change.
Your “person,” your once-vibrant spouse, the one always standing strong beside you, has begun to decline.
You always made sure your husband had home-cooked meals on the table, clean clothes to wear, and tidy home. But lately, you’ve taken on a role you weren’t prepared for – the role of his caregiver.
Your husband’s once capable body has since begun to fail him in ways he never knew it could, leaving him dependent on you for help and hurling both of you into a dimension of anxiety and confusion.
The Gilded Age
You both always thought these would be your “golden” years, but underneath that glittering veneer, you’re discovering a darker layer you could never – honestly – have imagined.
And it’s turned your lives upside down in every way – emotionally, physically, and financially.
Drained. Spent. Consumed.
Often, you feel like you’re taking care of an entirely different person – it’s almost like he’s transformed into someone you hardly recognize.
And, in some ways, so have you.
Taking on more and more singlehandedly, you feel like a maid doing chores all day long. Suddenly, it’s all up to you. No more lightening each other’s burdens or making the decisions together.
Loneliness, isolation, and a profound, recurrent sense of loss overwhelm you – sometimes, you wake up and wonder how much longer you can keep this up.
But you soldier on…
Because you love him, and you meant those vows – those promises.
Because you’re not a complainer, and who would understand, anyway?
We do. We understand. And you’re not alone.
When caregiving seems impossible, Wisdom of the Aged can help.
Life’s transitions happen. Now, you must develop a new area of expertise.
At Wisdom of the Aged, you’ll find relief, support, and solutions; but there’s one thing you won’t find: judgment.
We don’t think you’re complaining, we don’t believe you are negative, and we understand your pride.
As experts in Aging Life Care, we will help you figure it all out.
Be ProActive instead of ReActive.
We will help in crisis mode, as well!
Aging Life Care®, also known as geriatric care management, is a holistic, client-centered approach that helps seniors and their families navigate aging life transitions.
At Wisdom of the Aged, Counseling & Holistic Therapies, we recognize your need to be informed with the correct, most up-to-date information and resources as you make decisions for yourself and your loved ones.
Our professional team of experts will provide expert counsel and advocacy to guide you through this new, often confusing landscape. Our goal is to improve your quality of life and reduce family stress.
It’s easy to switch to autopilot…
…and completely neglect your own needs.
As a caregiver, it’s easy – and sometimes, dangerous – to neglect yourself.
We’ll help you find balance and reduce some of the stressors that come from having a spouse who requires significant time and attention, leaving you no time to breathe.
But there’s no “autopilot” here.
At Wisdom of the Aged, our therapists offer a wide array of varying education, training, experience, knowledge, and approach.
We don’t use a cookie-cutter approach. We aren’t the kind of place where you lie down and have a permanent space on the couch (we don’t even have a couch!).
Each therapist has his or her style, a way of connecting with you that helps you feel like you have some control back in your life.
Every step of the way
It’s important to be able to find relief wherever you are in the moment. We help you find the comfort you desperately need in an already demanding schedule.
We understand how difficult it may be at times to get out of the house for appointments. Our therapists will come to your home, as well as Assisted Living locations, to provide supportive counseling services in your own comfortable environment.
And, contrary to popular belief, therapy doesn’t have to be forever or in our office. As we said, we can come to your home or Assisted Living Facility. Besides individual counseling, we have Brain Health Services, Neurofeedback, Support Groups, as well as other programs and services to help the busy caregiver!
Call us today at (631) 736-7707, and let’s talk more about how we can help.